Browning’s Lymph Clear
This recipe is used for clearing heavy metals toxins, and flushing the lymph system. Everyone should do this at least once a year. This recipe may be cut in half if desired. It is designed to be prepared and then bottled or jarred for future use. Use regular canning jars for bottling.
These are all added to POT#1
  • 1oz Blood rootLymphatic. Showing results as an antibacterial and more. Showing great scientific promise in fighting cancers.
  • 2oz Burdock RootLymphatic. Helps eliminate waste in the body, it is an antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti fungal, detoxifying herb.
  • 2oz ChaparralLymphatic, plus it is an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumor.
  • 1.5 oz Dandelion RootLiver and Pancreas, filters and strains toxins.
  • 1.5 oz Echinacea RootStimulates lymphatic activity and boosts immune system
  • 2oz Poke RootLymphatic. The root has a very favorable influence on the glandular system.
  • 2oz Red RootIt is an excellent lymphatic remedy. Stimulates lymph and tissue fluid circulation for drainage. Also effective on enlarged lymph nodes and for shrinking non fibrous cysts.
  • 1.5oz SarsparillaBlood tonic. especially good for removing heavy metals if taken properly. It contains calcium, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, B-complex, and vitamins A, C and D.
  • 2.5 oz Yellow DockIt improves the function of the kidneys, liver, lymph glands, and intestines, thus aiding the body’s natural cleansing processes. Has been used to help the body eliminate heavy metals including lead and arsenic.
  • 2gallons Distilled Water
These are all added to POT #2
  • 1oz Black Walnuteffective for treating colitis, infections, liver, tuberculosis and tumors. Helps regulate blood sugar levels, burns excess toxins and fatty materials, rids the colon of parasites and contains magnesium which feeds the muscles and nerves. It has shown to have oxygenating abilities which kills parasites.
  • 1oz CelandineReported to exhibit anti viral, anti inflammatory and anti tumor properties both in vitro and in vivo. It helps relieve inflammation and chronic disorders of the hepatic and biliary system and inflammation of the respiratory organs.
  • 1oz CleaversOne of the best tonics for the lymphatic system available. It treats swollen glands anywhere in the body and has been useful in the treatment of ulcers and tumors by lymphatic drainage which detoxifies the tissue. It is an alternative , helps remove obstructions and swelling. Helpful in clearing the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • 2oz Lemon PeelAlkalizes the body and is excellent for liver and lymph.
  • 1.5 oz PlantainGreat for boosting the Immune system, combating infection, counters blood poisoning, removes toxins.
  • 1.5 oz Red CloverLymphatic. Clinical evidence shows that there is a basis for its long standing tradition in treating cancer.
  • 2gallons Distilled Water
Other Items needed
Pot #1
  1. Place ingredients in a large pot and set on a warm heat over night so roots may soften. In the morning, bring up the heat and simmer for about 4 hours. Then boil for 15-30 minutes. After boiling, remove from heat and strain the liquid into a clean container by placing a layer of cheesecloth over your strainer.
Pot #2
  1. Cover and set on counter over night. In the morning, place the pot on warm /medium heat to steep NOT BOIL the herbs like you would a cup of tea. Let them steep for at least 4 hours then strain the liquid. These two steps can be done at the same time) Compost the strained herbs in your garden ( or give them to your chickens :-)) Once the liquid is strained form both pots, mix it together in one of the pots and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, then add 16 oz. vegetable glycerin, 8-12 oz Black Strap Molasses, 60 oz of Raw Honey, and 4 Tbls. Citric Acid. Stir and let the mixture mingle for about 15 minutes. When ready to bottle use a candy thermometer to check the temperature of the liquid. You want it to be at 190 degrees to prevent any bacteria from growing in the tonic. Maintain the heat temperature throughout the bottling. Be sure your jars are sterilized properly. Add tonic to hot jars, filling to 1/2 inch from the top of jar and cap. Let cool overnight. Check to make sure all jars have sealed properly and tonics can be stored for 1 year.
Recipe Notes

Once a jar has been opened you must refrigerate it. It will last for two months in the refrigerator. Sediment in the bottom is normal. Shake before using.



Adult: 1 Tablespoon t time a day for prevention, 1 Tbls. 2 times a day for lymphoedema.  2 Tbls 2 times a day when breast and lymph is congested or cancerous.