Why cleanse my system?

Cleansing your body should be a regular routine, why?  Because our world is so full of toxins that we ingest, inhale, and absorb on a daily basis, failing to detox regularly is setting your liver up for early failure. 

This summer, I lost my older sister rather suddenly, and it was devastating to me and my family.  She was such an important part of our family and lives.  Her liver failed and she died within a matter of weeks.  I was one of the last to see her.  I took my essential oils with me and prepared myself to spend as much time ministering to her physical body as I could.  I massaged her three times a day and applied castor oil packs to her liver area.  By the third day she was improving so much that the doctor changed her status to “out of the woods”.  I was encouraged as I prepared to go back home and told her I would see her on the 4th of July which was about two weeks away.  She told me in her soft, weak voice that she was feeling better and that she could feel the toxins leaving her body.  

A few days later, I received word that she had contracted a bacterial infection on her face which was spreading rapidly and the skin was necrotic.  They rushed her in to the hospital and performed surgery from which my sister never recovered.  She died a few days later.   

I found myself saying, “If only I had gone to her sooner, and insisted she allow me to help her change her eating and drinking habits, and help her detox her body, maybe her liver wouldn’t have become septic and quit.”  I realized then that we all have to take personal responsibility for how we treat our bodies, we are only given one.  My sister had wonderful insurance, plenty of money to have any kind of fancy treatments etc. that she wanted.  She took plenty of hormones, drugs for this and drugs for that, thinking that all of those things would keep her body and mind functioning.  What should have taken place is the exact opposite.  She should have cleansed her body regularly, all of her organs, especially her bowels and liver.  She should have eaten nutritious whole foods in their nature state as much as possible and abstained from dairy, meat and processed foods.  Instead of soda and alcohol, there should have been plenty of distilled water and herbal teas. Fresh fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, vegetables should have replaced high dollar meats and seafood.  My sister is gone now, and all I can say is those indulgences are not worth the price.  Learn to love the taste of REAL food, it’s the best gift you can give yourself and those who love you. 

Years worth of toxins will gather and compact in our bowels…creating the perfect breeding ground for cancer and other ailments like arthritis, allergies and more.  I challenge you to research this topic on your own.  Take a hard look at all of it, not just what those in the medical profession tell you is “the truth”.  Are you aware that very few doctors have had more than one nutrition class in their entire career? They work for the drug manufacturers, and these are the people we so willingly trust with our lives and those of our children and elderly.  Hmmm… 

A sure fire way of heading off any disease is to cleanse your system regularly, juice fasts, drink distilled water, stay away from processed foods and meat and dairy… allow your body to clean out toxins through your pores, and bowels.  You will feel like a new person and wonder why you haven’t done this before now!  I challenge you to take that one step toward a better healthier body.   


i total agree the world is a chemical soup we live in and our liver is the only thing we have to filter all the junk out . i am sorry about your sister
Thank you for sharing story

I am president of a group called the Herb-N-League and Wendy has been our speaker several times and we love her.
She gave a marvelous talk on Detoxing the “Earth Suit”. (Our group won’t brave the storms to hear just anyone talk.)

What we love most is Wendy knows first hand how to use so many herbs. She is a great provider of honest, practical information that people can actually do, so therefore will be more likely to do.

I always learn something new with Wendy. She works hard to get the knowledge she has and is humble enough to share that with others. I trust her information (and products) because I have seen them in use.

She’s one of the few herbalists who’s word I’ll take. Book smarts are OK, but I prefer the School of Been There Done That.

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