Will my Skin Ever be the Same?

Will my Skin Ever be the Same?

I have had several inquiries about what to do about acne.  Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects skin structures on the face, neck and chest, usually between the age of puberty and about twenty.  The causes are actually quite simple: one is devitalized, dead, mucous forming food.  When we eat food with no life building materials they become waste quickly. Everybody is different and has a different rate and process by which it eliminates waste.  Another contributor is the rapid change from childhood to adulthood requires foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.  Processed foods are low or lacking in natural hormones and estrogen materials needed in the transition to adulthood. When the nutrients are not present for the body to draw in, it will try to find them where it can, and may cause the irritable, emotional dispositions we witness quite often along with pimply complexions.  The craving for nutrition will trigger the snacking and continuous need for food because the body is not being satisfied.  To pacify this hunger the young person will stuff him or herself with junk foods only continuing the vicious cycle. Girls will experience the effects in their menstruation and boys will tend toward early prostate trouble and an unhealthy sex drive.

Some herbal aids include red raspberry leaf tea for males and females and or Blessed (holy) thistle tea six days a week. These teas supply natural hormone and estrogen materials to the system.  According to Dr. Christopher (2010) puberty is easier to go through if the tonsils are intact (just a side note).  Eating a clean diet is so very important at any age, and if children can be raised to love and crave foods that actually feed their bodies, they can avoid some of the pitfalls that others will struggle with in the years to come. Recent studies have shown that diets with higher glycemic loads tend to produce more inflammatory lesions (Journal of Academic Nutrition and Dietetics).  It makes such good sense to cut out dead food altogether, but for those struggling with acne it makes even more sense. The spiking of the blood sugar also increases the flow hormones, thus triggering a domino effect of oil production, waste elimination, and acne. The best advice is to, first, eat a clean nourishing diet that will not only satisfy you but provide your body with the nutrients it needs and desires.  The cravings for junk food will eventually disappear and you will find yourself desiring foods that are alive and filled with taste and nourishment.  Second, detox your liver at least once a month with a good liver detox tea, or other preferred regimen to give you liver the assistance it needs in filtering toxins and flushing them out of your body in the correct manner.  Don’t be alarmed if you feel a bit “off” the first couple times, those nasty toxins really are nasty and don’t always give up easily.

A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself, “Am I willing to put this cream, lotion, astringent, etc. in my mouth and eat it?”  If your answer is no, then DO NOT PUT IT ON YOUR FACE!  We absorb much more through our largest organ, the skin, then we do through ingesting.  Our stomach acid takes care of a lot of things in the digesting process, but when you place products on your skin it is absorbed directly into your body.  Be sure to use pure, nature products on your skin and hair. This just places another heavy load on our liver and causes it to work even harder eliminating those toxins.  Here are a couple good links to some websites that have easy, natural acne remedies you can try in your home, http://everydayroots.com/acne-remedies  and http://empoweredsustenance.com/7-secrets-to-cure-acne-without-chemicals.  Try some of these remedies yourself.  Crooked House Herbals also has some natural cleansers that work very well on the acne –prone complexion one being our Hedgehog Gentle Cleanser and Rosey Toner both made with all natural herbs, extracts, hydrosols and essential oils.

The most important thing to remember is that what goes in really does come out.  You really are what you eat, and you feel what you eat.  There is always hope and we can rejoice because we have access to the natural remedies provided for us from the beginning, and Nature Heals you Best!




I am needing a good detox. Do you have one you would recommend. We have well water, will a distiller take the bad stuff out? Also what do you recommend for wrinkles, I have been taking collagen, I have also looked at halogen ice. Acid, do you have anything?

Yes! If it were me, I would do the Master Cleanse (Lemonade Cleanse) found on my site, and alternate with the Liver Detox Tea. I would do the lemonade cleanse for at least 3-5 days eating very little, and when you do eat try to eat a mono diet so your liver doesn’t have to work too hard.
Do this once a month for three months. Then drink the Liver Detox Tea one weekend a month at least 3-5 cups per day following the same eating pattern.
I LOVE Seven Years Young for my skin. I also have a wonder serum called Sister Serum that loves to make wrinkles disappear as it feeds your skin. Your water distiller will work beautifully on your well water. I have a well also. You can get these products at http://www.crookedhouseherbals.com Thanks for checking in! Hope this was helpful.

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