What’s With Cancer?


Vitality and beauty are gifts of nature for those who live according to its laws.

~Leonardo Da Vinci

This is a subject with which I am very familiar.   

My husband was stricken with Multiple Myeloma and died a slow death for over nine years.   Fortunately, I had plenty of time to determine what I would do if this very thing ever happened to me, and I made some very firm decisions. During my husband’s illness I spent many a night on the hospital room floor or trying to sleep in an uncomfortable chair. I did my taxes in the hospital, I graded papers in the hospital, knew all the nurses on that floor by their first name and watched them pump my husband full of chemicals and drugs that slowly sapped the life from him and drew him further and further away from me into another world. He was always black and blue from the endless needle sticking that was part of our weekly regimen.  The drugs they had him taking were so many in number, that we had to sort them out in little compartmentalized containers and finally resorted to checklists to ensure they were dosed correctly. I decided then, that I would begin my own quest for alternative answers to this seemingly ominous life stealing monster and quell the fear surrounding it.  It’s a good thing I did.  Because shortly after my husband passed away, I was diagnosed with cancer. Now it was time to put my money where my mouth was.

 This page is devoted to continuous research, updates and discussion surrounding the disease and our ability to not only beat it, but prevent it.  The first step is understanding just exactly what cancer is and what it is NOT, and how our bodies are designed to battle disease and move toward wellness naturally  with great success.  There are a few key components in this formula, they involve willingness on the part of the participant to engage in a different mindset as well as simplify and often times align his or her eating habits with what Nature has provided to build and strengthen our immune systems.

I will provide you a plethora of information, links, personal advice and experience in an effort to encourage you to explore for yourself the avenues to wellness that are not only possible but efficient in the area of health, wellness and living disease free.

In an age where we are bombarded with negative, fearful input via radio, television and the medical profession as a whole, it is nice to know that we can take control of our own health, healing and welfare and become self-reliant. With the recent advent of Obamacare and all that surrounds it, I believe it is more important than ever to be able to care for our own bodies and become less reliant on a profession that is dictated to and run by the pharmaceutical companies and big business.  These agencies do not have our best interests in mind or those of our loved ones. The tactics surrounding the mandate for everyone to have health insurance, (not just insurance, but the type that the government requires) are all part of the recipe for fear.  Take the time to put these things aside and reevaluate your own health and lifestyle.  Put a smile on your face, a cup of tea in your hand, a spring in your step and take a walk in the sunshine!



Everyone has the potential for cancer in his or her body.  Cancer cells are present in all of us.  When a person begins to suffer with the symptoms of cancer, it is a sign that the body’s immune system has broken down and is no longer able to destroy or fight those cells. The cells have gone amok and everything is out of balance.  This usually stems from a nutritional deficit.  Looking at cancer from a nutritional perspective, it is not a scary “Death Sentence” but rather, a signal that the body needs to be cleansed and detoxified, then nourished and renewed.  Our bodies know how to heal themselves.  WE are fearfully and wonderfully made there is no need to be afraid!

Everything we need to fight any disease has been provided for us, we just have to make the decision to take care of our bodies instead of abuse them.  Charlotte Gerson, daughter of the renowned Dr. Max. Gerson, states, “We live in critical times, experiencing an unprecedented attack on health: our own, and that of the planet.  The two are linked and cannot be separated.  This is a crisis we aren’t able to blame on outside forces- we have brought it upon ourselves”. (Gerson & Bishop, 2010).  By not respecting nature, we have become alienated from it and do not understand the power of it’s offerings for healing and health.  There are many good books in print that can supply you with pages and pages of research on this topic, so I will not go any further in this vein.  I will recommend Healing the Gerson Way to  anyone having been diagnosed with any type of cancer or who has a loved one with such a diagnosis.

When it comes to cancer a person has two choices.  1) The pill-popping, radiation and chemotherapy ways of conventional, pharmaceutical company sanctioned medicine.  These methods only suppress symptoms and do not address the source of the problem.  Quite honestly, I believe they are mostly misguided profiteers (my opinion). OR  2) You can commit yourself to cleansing toxins from your body, (which can be rather demanding), and then nourishing your body with ONLY healthy foods and juices.  This gives your body the opportunity to rebuild, rearm and re-surge, powerfully  and effectively.  I chose the second method, and have never been disappointed.  My husband chose the first, and is no longer with us. My recommendation is to do your own research.  Spend some time looking into the truth about oncology and medical practices.  Find out what their knowledge base truly is. And research other countries such as Japan who have very low incidences of cancer to begin with, find out why.  Before you just hand your life over to strangers, (and quite possibly sign up to buy your doctors next new Jaguar) do a little homework of your own.  DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD!!! Get your own answers.

Cancer, like any other disease can be avoided, and cured naturally…. If you don’t believe me, research it for yourself.  The research is there, the studies have been conducted, case studies compiled.  We don’t know these things because herbs and healthy eating, don’t sell drugs, they are inexpensive and no doctor has to write you a prescription, therefore doctors are not going to suggest we take a natural route to wellness. The other problem is a lack of patience on our part.  We have been programmed to think that healing needs to take place RIGHT NOW, be effortless and painless, if possible.  There is a price to pay for that approach, usually our health.  Natural healing is the best way to approach any illness because when we use herbs in their wholesome state, eat correctly and cleanse our bodies of toxins, we produce lasting results.  There is no long list of side effects, we do not have to take medications for the rest of our lives, or take this medicine to counteract the effects of that medicine etc.  We can live disease free, long, healthy lives and be in control of our own wellness.  


The best way to deal with cancer is to NOT GET IT to begin with.  Cleanse, nourish and restore your body and begin today.

Check the recipe section under Resources for the  recipe for a  Breast Cancer and Lymphoma Cleanse that will cleanse the waste from each cell.  If you do not cleanse your body will die in its own waste. The Gerson Therapy incorporates a thorough detoxification of the body using fresh juices and coffee enemas.  This is the therapy I chose to use for my cancer.  In six months I had a clean bill of health.  I was committed to giving my body every tool possible to battle the cancer cells.  I didn’t lose any hair, went to work every day, felt good and slept well. I had to get up an hour and a half earlier then usual to juice my carrots and greens and take my enema, but it was worth it.

The lymph system transports lymphatic fluid but it also works as a filter, removing bacteria, microorganisms, dead cells, and other unwanted substances. I don’t think any of us will deny that we are inundated with toxins and unwanted matter that can block our lymph nodes which decreases our body’s ability to resist disease. Over time these blockages build up.  This can not only cause cancer, but other illnesses such as skin problems, high cholesterol, sinus congestion, fatigue, headaches, swollen lymph nodes etc.

The lymph system must remain clear because it is the foundation of the body’s immune system. Herbs can flush the system out simply and naturally with no side effects. The following recipe is for Lymph Clear and the herbs in the formula support one another. They support a solution to clearing the body of environmental causes which have been found in all cancers, but especially Breast Cancer, Lymphatic Cancer, and Lymphoma.  This formula is used by many physicians and Naturopaths to treat cancers and lymphomas.

Natural Cancer Preventatives

1. Consume broccoli and broccoli sprouts.  Research has shown broccoli is one of the best vegetables you can eat for breast cancer prevention, and eat it raw as much as possible.

2. Omit foods that contain or are grown with hormones like diary and meats.

3. Black Cohosh- new research backs its usage and suggests that extracts from Black Cohosh, an herb most commonly used to reduce menopausal symptoms, may stop breast cancer cells in their tracks.

4. Drink Green Tea.  It has anti-tumor properties that are effective on breast cancer cells. A study by Dr. Maheshwari that was published in 2008,  in Cancer Letters, showed that green tea is effective in delaying tumor incidence. Green tea was also found to inhibit growth of tumors as well as induce death of breast cancer cells. Studies show that the risk of breast cancer is found to be much less in Asian countries consuming green tea.

5. Reduce or Eliminate your intake of processed foods, sugar and grain carbohydrates. If you do eat grain carbohydrates, be sure to eat whole grain rice, wheat, barley etc. No Uncle Ben’s, or Quick Cooking grains.

6. Increase your intake of foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, artichokes etc.

7. Steam, bake or boil your foods instead of frying them.

8. Normalize your ratio of Omega -3 to Omega – 6 fatty acids by eating a tablespoon of ground flax seeds a day.  Put them in your oatmeal, or sprinkle them on a sliced banana in the morning.

9. Get plenty of GOOD sleep. and Walk or exercise daily. One will assist the other.

10. Cultivate a spiritual life.  Deepen your existence and slow down your pace.  Life isn’t going to pass you by, trust me.

11. Diets rich in animal products and low in fruits and unrefined carbohydrates are likely to significantly increase a person’s risk of colon cancer.  Scientific studies show strong relationship between cancers of the digestive tract, bladder and prostate with low fruit consumption – try to eat at least 4-5 a day!

12. Fruit consumption has been shown in numerous studies to offer our strongest protection against certain cancers, especially oral and esophageal, lung, prostate, pancreatic and colorectal cancer.



Black Cohosh- International Journal of Cancer, Nov, 2007; 121 (9); 2073-83


Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (2007). Green tea shown to possess anti-tumor effect in breast cancer.

Leslee Dru Browning- Browning’s Lymph Clear. www.naturalnews.com

Gerson, C & Bishop, B. (2010). Healing the gerson way. Gerson Health Media, Carmel, CA.

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