Detoxifying and Cleansing the Body

Supreme cleanliness is the first step toward a healthy body. Any accumulation or retention of morbid matter or waste of any kind within us will retard our progress towards recovery. The natural eliminative channels are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels.

The retention of body waste has an insidious effect on our health than is generally suspected, and its elimination is one of the first steps toward perceptible progress.

I am recommending Dr. Christopher’s Three -Day Cleanse to begin.

To begin the three day cleansing program, the individual is required to undergo three days of detoxification therapy, then proceed with the mucusless diet:

First thing in the morning upon arising, drink 16 ounces or more of prune juice (unsweetened, if possible). The prune juice is not primarily to empty the bowels, which it will do, but rather to draw into the intestines from every part of the body such toxic matter or body waste as may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels.

After beginning with the sixteen ounces of prune juice, within one half hour take an eight ounce glass of undiluted apple juice. Swish each mouthful thoroughly (called chewing). Then, 30 minutes later drink a glass of plain water (preferably distilled), followed 30 minutes later with more apple juice.

The general procedure is: 16 oz. of prune juice first thing in the morning, then, 8 oz. of apple juice 30 minutes later, and 8 oz. of distilled water after that; repeating the juice and distilled water each 30 minutes throughout the day. One gallon of apple juice is consumed each day for an average size adult, or one ounce per pound of body weight. (This of course is an approximate and suggested dosage, as age, ability to hold liquids, etc., determine the capacity for each specific case.)

Breaking up the mucus during the juice cleanse generally causes constipation throughout the three days. Use more prune juice or you can take a product such as Smoooth Mooove by Crooked House Herbals, or Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula available online.

Repeat this detoxification for 3 consecutive days. Thus, approximately three gallons of mucus and catarrh will have been eliminated and will have been replaced by three gallons of juice. This has resulted in speeding up the re-alkalinizing of the system.

During the three-day cleanse, take one or two tablespoons of olive oil three times a day, to aid in lubricating bile and liver ducts, etc.

On the fourth and subsequent days, we begin taking vegetable and fruit juices, along with raw fruits and vegetables. Then follow the mucusless diet as close as possible.

Do not be concerned if you feel weak during or after this detoxification. Our bodies are using the energies for internal housecleaning, soon an increase of energy will occur as a result of a cleaner healthier body.

Here are some substitutions if you are not a fan of apple juice.

Carrot Juice Therapy:

Follow the same procedure as you would with the apple juice therapy.

Citrus Juice Therapy:

This is best for those who live in a citrus belt region. Prepare the juice fresh in the following proportions: four to six grapefruit, two to three lemons, and enough oranges to complete a total mixture of two quarts. Dilute using two quarts of distilled water, making one gallon of citrus juice mixture. Proceed as in the apple juice therapy.

Grape Juice Therapy:

Use only unsweetened grape juice containing no additives. Do not use frozen concentrate (it has been cooked). Use fresh grape juice, if possible. Proceed as in the apple juice therapy.

If nothing were done to replace something in volume equal to the quantity of matter eliminated in the body, then the body would naturally be dehydrated. Therefore, by drinking fruit juices, we replace the toxic or acrid material removed. This procedure should have an alkaline reaction on our system.

There are various types of juice therapies-apple, carrot, grape, citrus, tomato, etc.- but only use the one chosen juice for the three days, and swish each mouthful thoroughly, (called chewing), so the saliva will mix with it; therefore our bodies can get all the nutrition and healing value from it.

Do not eat anything during the three day cleanse, although if very hungry towards evening, you may take some celery. When using apple juice, an apple or two is acceptable. With carrot juice, use carrots, and so on and so forth.

Apples are one of the greatest herbs and blood purifiers known. This is why most prefer to use apple juice. Fresh apple juice is best, if obtainable, otherwise buy any bottled apple juice that has no preservatives or additives.


What’s next?



Taken from Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless Diet Program

The second step to healing the body is for an individual to eliminate the mucus-forming foods from the diet. Using this procedure, not only are the sinuses, the bronchi, and the lungs cleared but also the constipating mucus (catarrh) in the tissues of the body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

If this diet is followed as outlined, we guarantee that after a short time you will have much more satisfaction from the foods we recommend, for better health, than you ever had from the food of your former diet.

Now, what can you eat?

The Do’s:

Any whole, live, raw foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and a small amount of fresh fish or chemical free chicken.

The Dont’s:

Salt, eggs, all refined sugars, meat, all milk products, flours and flour products.

Do not be concerned because this diet omits meat and the commercial types of protein and don’t worry about adding protein, as you will get all that you need in these foods. The gorilla is built on the same order as the human being, and he gets all the protein he needs from just fruits, nuts and seeds.

The best food to start the day is fresh fruit or a good low heated whole grain. This should be a cereal in its wholesome state (with life in it). It can be prepared in a thermos bottle: Take a thermos bottle, fill in the early afternoon or evening one-third full of grain, then finish filling the thermos bottle with boiling water. Turn the thermos over two or three times to mix the grain and water. The next morning the grain is ready for consumption.

Sprouted grains are another excellent and nutritious food source. Alternate the grains.

Almost any live seed or grain can be sprouted, find the one you like and enjoy.

Fruit and vegetable juices along with dried fruits are another wonderful source for this diet.

There are also thousands of salad combinations available, with some investigation and experimentation, you will never run short of interesting combinations. This diet can be challenging as well as rewarding. The health and wellness that will result from following this diet is reward enough.

Here are some extras if you are interested or need more!

Additional Blood Cleansing

An aid to assist in Purifying the Blood Stream, same type formula as used by Hoxey for years.
The blood stream is life itself and it is our job to keep it clean and pure so that we can have a good circulatory system for delivering food to the body properly and, in addition, to carry off the waste materials.

Herbal blood rebuilders are made up of herbs that are cleansers, but also herbs that give astringency, others aid in removing cholesterol, kill infection, or build elasticity in the veins and to strengthen the vein and artery walls.


Cayenne should be used six days a week, each week of program. This herb is, as are the others, a food and not a drug. Work up to a teaspoon of Cayenne three times a day.

Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses are also beneficial. Use a tablespoon of each in a glass of distilled water three times each day. Take a tablespoon or more of wheat germ oil three times a day.

Remember to drink no less than one gallon of pure steam-distilled water for a person 130 lbs. or over, every day (less or more, one ounce of distilled water to each pound the person weighs).


Extended Herbal Cleaning Program (heavy metal detoxing, chronic conditions)

When dealing with long-standing health problems we cannot expect to totally cleanse or cure the body with one or more three-day cleansing routines. Therefore, to rid the body of chronic conditions or to prevent their occurrence, an extended herbal cleanse is an excellent path to follow. This should be used in conjunction with the aforementioned mucusless diet.

Upon arising take one or two capsules of the Smoooth Mooove Capsules.  Or Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula. This would then be repeated one hour before lunch, and prior to retiring for the night. Increase your dosage by one capsule per day until you are having three regular bowel movements a day.

In addition take a dropperful  of the Kidney Kindness formula mid-morning and also mid-afternoon.

This routine would be followed six days, resting on the seventh. Resume taking the herbs on the second week, adding two droppers of the Liver Detox tincture or drink a cup of the Liver Detox Tea twenty minutes before each meal. Do this again for six days, resting on the seventh day.

Take these three cleansing formulas for 2 more weeks, and then on the fourth week add two capsules of the Clean Blood Formula or drink a cup of the Clean Blood Tea one hour after each meal. Do this again for six days, resting on the seventh day.

This procedure would then continue every week for six weeks, after which we would rest one week. We would repeat these intervals for six months and then rest for one entire month. At the end of this seven month program we would assess our progress and determine if another seven month program would be beneficial. This would be done for extensive blood purification and can be done in three-month intervals depending upon the severity of the situation.

There are other herbs such as bugledock and bugleweed that are particularly good for heavy metal poisoning and can be added to any stage of the cleansing process preferably after the three-day cleanse.

(I can prepare a tincture of these for you if you choose to use it).


Foods to help with Heavy Metal Detoxification


Brazil Nuts


wild blueberries.

lemon water.



barley grass juice powder.

Atlantic dulse.


Green tea



Foods to Avoid

Brown rice because it contains arsenic

Spring water that has not been distilled


Alcohol (is taking alcohol-based tincture dispel the alcohol in warm water before taking the tincture)



Chelation Pesto Recipe ( I love this stuff!)


  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium source)
  • 1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine source)
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium sources)
  • 2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A source)
  • 2/3 cup flaxseed oil
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C source)
  • 2 teaspoons Dulse powder
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender or food processor until the cilantro is chopped.
  2. Add the garlic, nuts, and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and process until the mixture is finely blended into a paste.
  3. Add sea salt and pepper to taste and store in dark glass jars if possible.
  4. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Do you offer consulting. If so, how can I set up an appointment. The best way to reach me is via call or text, not email. Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing from you.
-Samantha Word (501) 282-2013

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